Som en sertifisert personlig trener og kostholdsveileder, sammenheng mellom mat og fitness/trening er både en selvfølg og viktig, men jeg er stadig overrasket over hvor mange har ikke sett sammenhengen. Til og med fitness-freaks som jeg ser hver dag på treningssenteret er overrasket når jeg nevner at de kunne få mye bedre resultater av å kutte ut den annen-hver-dag Grandiosa de spiser. Duh.

Jeg tror veldig på at kostholdet er kanskje 70-90% av resultatene på trening. Ja, noen kan få super resultater av å bare trene hardt mens de fortsatt spiser dritt, men jeg tror disse folkens har genetikk som gjøre det lettere for dem. For vanlig folk hva du spiser er avgjørende for din fitness-experience.

Etter det er sagt, må jeg innrømme at det er ikke lett om dagen å skjønne hva som er sundt og hva som er ikke!

Jeg har en enkel regel: Spis det som naturen gir oss.

Det betyr: Kjøtt, fugl, fisk, egg, masse grønnsaker, litt frukt, og noe nøtter/frø. Punktum.


Jeg skal skrive igjen snart om korn, og særlig gluten-holdig korn, og hvorfor du burde unngå det som gift, og mens jeg bruker protein pulver i ny og ne når jeg er lat eller har glemt lunsj/middag og er på jobb, det er egentlig ikke naturlig “mat”.

Stay tuned for mye mer om mat og dens betydning for resulatene på fitness og helse!

Erin 🙂

Well, as a certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist, the food-fitness connection is both obvious and important, but i’m constantly surprised by how many people haven’t made that connection. Even fitness-freaks that i see everyday in the gym, who are surprised when i tell them they could get better results if they dropped their every-other-day-frozen-pizza habit. Duh.
I truely believe when we’re talking results in the gym, nutrition accounts for around 70-90%. Yes, some people can get amazing results by working hard and still eating crap, but i think they have genetics that help a lot. For average Joe, what you eat can make or break your fitness experience.
That being said, in this day and age, it can be pretty tough to figure out what is healthy and what is not.
My simple rule is eat what nature gives us:
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, lots of veggies, a little fruit and some nuts/seeds. Thats all we need.

I will post again soon about grains, and especially gluten-grains and why we should avoid them like poison, and although i’ll occasionally use protein powder because i’m lazy and forgot to bring lunch/dinner to work, it is NOT a natural food!
Stay tuned for LOTS more on food and its impact on your fitness!

Erin 🙂

Get outside!


Well, its been a while…

Didn’t make it to the Exuberant Animal seminar in London thanks to the volcano in Iceland. What a bummer!
Things got a little hectic after that and haven’t had time to blog or work on my friskfit project… but i have not forgotten or given up on it!

This summer i will use my holiday time to work on the concept, out in the woods, running around in my fivefingers!

So get outside and get fit!
More to come…

I am excited to be lucky enough to be heading to London in April for the first ever UK Exuberant Animal seminar with Frank Forencich!

If you have not yet heard of Frank or Exuberant Animal please check out Frank’s website: for some fantastic inspiration. His “antidote” is just so common sense that it seems unreal, i ordered a bunch of them to give out to clients and yoga students and everyone has been so inspired by them.

If you are interested in attending this seminar, please check out the Wildfitness website (another really cool website and concept if you haven’t been there yet either!) and sign up, I think there are still a few places available!

The sun is shining, the snow is crunchy, get out and play today! 🙂

Friskfit is the revolutionary new fitness concept that utilizes natural movement and play to obtain optimal fitness!

Inspired by natural-movement experts such as Georges Hébert, Frank Forencich, Erwan Le Corre and, Friskfit hopes to bring some of these fabulous ideas to Norway!

More to come soon! In the meantime, get out and PLAY! 🙂